Friday, April 24, 2009

Last Marker Set

At practice yesterday, we biked up Taaffe again. I did the loop three times and climbed up Taaffe a fourth before going right back down. The whole thing took just over an hour.

You may remember that my knee has been hurting me. I went to the physical therapist a couple of weeks ago. It turns out that my quadraceps are really inflexible and my hips muscles aren't as strong as they should be. He gave me some daily stretches and one hip strengthening exercise, and my knee has been feeling much better since then. It isn't perfect, but I haven't had to stop from the pain like I did before.

After the hour of biking, we did our last two mile marker set. I did the first marker set in 15.5 minutes back in February (with only a warmup beforehand). I did this marker set in about 15 minutes. It isn't quite where I want to be, but given that I barely ran during March and I had just biked for an hour, it is pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. i love that what ken considers "tapering" is still a good workout for me. there's definitely something to be said for training. :P
